What if they aren’t into gift giving or receiving?

Hey Reader,

I’ve just finished up my Christmas shopping this week, and gosh…

Finding gifts for all your loved ones, and making decisions about how much to get and who for?... That can be hard.

You want to get your people things they will genuinely like, that will bring them joy, and show them how much you appreciate and love them.
And even though there are plenty of ways to bring joy and show love: There’s definitely pressure around the holidays to love your people a certain way.

Through gift giving.

But what if not everyone wants to be loved the same way?

A family member once shocked me by telling me, “If I didn’t have to participate in the whole gift exchange thing, I wouldn’t. Not at all. Not even for birthdays and Christmas. I do it because other people like it, but it’s not something I personally value or enjoy.”

Ever since that conversation, I’ve been asking my loved ones questions about their expectations and genuine feelings around gift giving, not because I feel like I have to, but because I see it as an opportunity to deepen my relationships with them.

I used to assume that everyone enjoyed gift giving and receiving. But it’s just not true.

Some people feel uncomfortable when receiving gifts, or are very particular about what they like and dislike, and would rather pick things out themselves.

Some feel overwhelmed by the idea of finding the right gift to give, and would prefer to be asked to get something specific.

We cannot truly know how our people feel about gifts until we talk to them about it.

This isn’t a bad thing. But it does mean that having a conversation around gifting could help deepen your relationship with the people you care about.

If you’re not sure how to do this, and want ideas. I got you!

Below, I’ve offered up a few questions to help with starting a conversation around gifting expectations, so you can create a safe space for you and your loved ones to clarify your preferences, and learn how to create more joy for one another!

These questions are just optional starting points, choose whichever ones you feel will best help you and the other person gain understanding of how you both feel!

Questions to Create Mutual Understanding & Expectations Around Gift Giving & Receiving

  1. How do you feel about gift giving and receiving? (Follow up questions: Is it important to you? Do you enjoy it?)
  2. Is there a specific way you would like to celebrate birthdays or other special occasions?
  3. Do you prefer practical gifts or ones with sentimental value?
  4. How much importance do you place on the monetary value of a gift?
  5. How do you feel about receiving surprise gifts versus knowing what you'll receive? Would you rather be involved in the decision-making process when it comes to gifts?
  6. Are there certain types of gifts you appreciate more than others (e.g., experiences, handmade, material items)?
  7. Are there any cultural or family traditions that influence your expectations around gift giving?
  8. Is there a particular gift you received in the past that stands out as especially meaningful to you?

If you learn something new about a loved one through these questions, reply and let me know what you learn!

Happy holidays! I’m wishing you rest, lots of good food, and hopefully some sweet moments with the people you care about most.

Quick Update

I've added a resources page to my site that compiles a few freebies I've made including the Self Care Tracker and the "Trick Your Brain to Clean Your Room" E-Course! You can check that out here.

Much love,


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