Unhappiness Doesn’t = Ungratefulness

Self Love Atlas

September 2024

Pictured: Coach Morgan & her soon-to-be husband Bradley

Hey Reader,

Being dissatisfied or frustrated with your current situation does not make you ungrateful.

I've seen a lot of people blame themselves for feeling dissatisfied, as if the dissatisfaction was a problem with THEM.

But more often than not, a feeling of discomfort and dissatisfaction is actually your body warning you that something is misaligned in your life.

In other words, feeling less than happy doesn't mean there's anything wrong with you. It's actually often a sign that something better is possible.

I like to think of dissatisfaction as a call to investigate what could be better in our lives.

Striving to improve our lives can be terrifying, because it means departing from what is familiar and comfortable.

But if better IS possible... Would it be worth doing something a little different or uncomfortable to get there?

I’ve gone from feeling “just alright” to “amazing” in many areas of my life. But the most significant time was when I chose to leave my relationship with my ex-boyfriend.

I remember considering the possibility of marriage and thinking, “this is good, this could work.” But on the inside, I knew I felt unhappy, and uninspired by the relationship.

At some point, I realized that thinking “This could work” is different from thinking “This person is exactly what I’ve been dreaming of and looking for, and I want nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with this person.”

I broke up with someone who was “good enough,” because I believed that it was POSSIBLE that the man of my dreams was out there.

I was willing to take the gamble, and be alone for a while, if it meant it would give me a chance to find “the one.”

Now, 6 years later, I’m less than a month away from marrying “the one.”

He was worth the leap and worth the wait. He was worth every minute I spent alone, and worth all the discomfort of breaking up with Mr. Good Enough.

All this to say, being the person who achieves the full potential of their happiness and satisfaction in life requires...

A. Believing that better is possible for you


B. Investigating the areas of your life where you feel dissatisfied, so you can make adjustments that feel right to you.

Those are two things you will never ever regret doing.

Is there anything in your life that feels “just good enough” right now?

Do you wish it could be better?

If yes, I can help.

I help people stop settling and and level up in any area of life that they’re feeling dissatisfied with.

Want to learn more? Set up a free consultation with me so we can explore what’s possible!

Much love,​

Morgan Rita Barbret

Certified Wayfinder Life Coach

ICF ACC Credentialed Coach

P.S. 1:1 Coaching with me is open! I offer 4 and 6 month coaching packages, meeting weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly. If you want to level up in your life, work, or relationships. We can make it happen in just a few sessions. When we work together, you can bring whatever is on your mind on any given day to our sessions. BRING IT and I will coach you into feeling confident that you can handle it, manage it, transcend it, or change it. I'm ready when you are!


Having a list of simple and easy self-care tasks always helps me remember to fill my cup and keep my energy up! Want to create your own list?

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Self Love Atlas LLC, 27844 Bohn St., Roseville, Michigan 48066

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