How to Spot Decision Fatigue

Self Love Atlas

October 2024

Hey Reader,

You know that feeling of mental fog that hits after a long day of juggling decisions and responsibilities?

It’s not just in your head—decision fatigue is real, and it can make even the smallest choices feel overwhelming.

Cornell University researchers estimate that the average adult makes about 35,000 remotely conscious decisions each day. And while the number certainly varies from person to person, I think we can all agree that that’s A LOT of decisions. And as your level of responsibility in your life increases, so does the multitude of choices you have to make.

So it’s no wonder we experience decision fatigue (probably more often than we realize!).

Decision fatigue looks like: procrastinating, being unusually indecisive, feelings of overwhelm, brain fog, or feeling avoidant towards decisions altogether.

Some thoughts that might show up when you’re experiencing it could be: “Why can’t I get myself to ____?”, “Ugh, my brain isn’t working right now”, or “I can’t decide!”

You can trust that when thoughts like these start flowing in, it’s more than likely because your mental energy bank has been SPENT. And that is not your fault. Yet, it’s a call to care for yourself.

The most self-loving we can do to support ourselves in moments like this is to simplify or automate smaller decisions so your overall mental load can be reduced.

In other words, when a decision is not highly consequential, look for ways to make it easier on yourself. Some options for this could be

  • Building a routine (Ex. “on Mondays I wear maroon, and on Tuesdays I wear a polo.”)
  • Going with the first available option
  • Randomizing (I like to spin a literal wheel on my phone)
  • Delegating a decision to someone else / asking for help with making a decision
  • Asking AI

I’m giggling as I write this last one, because it’s surprisingly effective. If you give Chat GPT two options and say “pick one,” it will do so immediately, and it will usually back up the decision with rational reasons why it chose one of the options.

Want to learn more about decision fatigue and how we can support others who are experiencing it? Check out SLA's newest blog post.

New Blog Post

How Making Decisions Can Lighten The Load for Others

How we can support loved ones facing decision fatigue

When we ourselves face decision fatigue, things like delegating decisions, simplifying our options, or making time for self-care can be helpful. But what should we do when someone else in our life is experiencing decision fatigue?

Also in this post:

→ A definition for decision fatigue

→ Tips for helping others facing decision fatigue

→ Why letting others "choose what they want" isn't always helpful

Thanks for being here. If you found this email helpful, please forward it to a friend who might also benefit from it!

Much love,​

Morgan Rita Wojcik

Certified Wayfinder Life Coach

ICF ACC Credentialed Coach

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I wrote a list of coaching questions to help you decipher which relationships are worth investing in, and which one's you're better off walking away from. It's free!

Click Here to Download the "Recommit or Walk Away" Questions List

P.S. Have any questions concerns about what it would be like to work with me as your coach? Hit reply and let me know!


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Self Love Atlas LLC, 27844 Bohn St., Roseville, Michigan 48066

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