
The Self Love Atlas Newsletter

Are they meeting you in the middle?

Published 16 days ago • 3 min read

Self Love Atlas

May 2024

Hey Reader,

Have you ever had a friendship that felt one-sided?

One that never really felt 50/50? Even when things were good?

Friendships where you were meeting them, not halfway, but 80 or 90% of the way, all the time.

Meanwhile, they were reluctant to give 10% back.

When I had friends like this in my life, my confidence was low.

I spent a long time pouring into them, trying to build the relationship and be a “good friend.”

But the feedback I got constantly made me feel like I still wasn’t enough.

I felt alone in their presence.

It wasn’t until I stopped and asked myself, “am I actually enjoying this friendship?” that I realized the relationship was taking more than it was giving to my life.

Friendship isn’t supposed to make you feel like you’re not enough. It’s supposed to be a place where you can be yourself, goof off, speak and be heard, listen and connect. Ask for help. Lean on one another. Tell stories and laugh. Encourage each other. And be there for each other when things are hard.

If your friendships don’t feel like that, let me tell you, YOU CAN have friendships that give as much as they take.

You don’t have to keep giving to people who keep asking for more, and never seem satisfied.

You can choose to give to people who want to give back.

In the last two years, my relationships have shifted a lot. I ended TWO 12 year friendships, intentionally filtered out “takers” and found new friends who inspire, encourage, and support me in all the ways I always hoped for.

To make this shift, I had to ask myself…

“How do I want my friendships to feel?” and “What kind of friendships do I want?”

There are other people in the world who want the kind of friendship you want, and would be happy to put in the effort to meet you in the middle.

If you surround yourself with those kinds of people, you’ll feel fuller, more confident, and way less alone.

But to find those relationships, you have to ask yourself…

Who in your life is capable of having the quality of friendships you desire?

And what would it take to start building a friendship with them intentionally?

Imagine how much energy you would save by giving 50% effort to them, compared to the 90% you’re giving to someone who keeps wanting more.

In my experience, it saves an unbelievable amount.

With love,

Morgan Rita Barbret

Certified Life Coach

P.S. Are you feeling stuck in a relationship that feels one-sided? I can help you start new friendships, improve the ones you already have, or build the courage to move on from relationships that are no longer working for you. Schedule a free consultation with me to learn more!

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Self Love Atlas LLC, 27844 Bohn St., Roseville, Michigan 48066

The Self Love Atlas Newsletter

Morgan Barbret - Life Coach for high achievers and perfectionists

In this newsletter, you'll receive actionable steps to build up your confidence and self-esteem SUSTAINABLY, stop overthinking, and create a kinder inner monologue so you can enjoy your life and relationships as much as possible. Are you ready to teach your brain to work FOR you instead of against you. Then come on in!

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