Do your milestones feel bittersweet?

Self Love Atlas

April 2024

Hey Reader,

There are a few huge milestones in life that we celebrate in big ways. .

Graduations, Weddings, Retirements.

All of these events have one thing in common.

They can be so bittersweet.

Sweet, because they are undoubtedly special and exciting moments of our lives.

Yet bitter, because they signify that our lives are going to change in big ways.

And change is hard.

Nobody really teaches us how to prepare for the emotions that come from the way our identity shifts.

It’s hard because each of these events mean that the life we had before is in some ways… dying.

They mean that we are stepping into a new life that will look different from what we’ve known thus far.

With that change usually comes some complicated emotions.

We simultaneously grieve our past and look to our future.

It’s rather discombobulating.

This is how I felt graduating from college during a worldwide pandemic.

Was it true I was entering a completely new stage of my life? Was it true the world was entering a new era of its own? The lines felt blurred. And my thoughts and feelings struggled to keep up with everything changing around me.

While I was excited to start my “adult” life, I wasn’t quite ready to let go of some of the things I loved about being a college student. I wasn’t ready to let go of the community I had built on my campus. I wasn’t ready to say goodbye to my friends.

Yet it happened, and life went on.

But the experience came with a lot of inner conflict. A mixture of excitement, anticipation, confusion and grief.

If you’ve ever gone through any of these life changing events, you’ve probably felt that inner conflict too.

The thing that helped the most with handling my emotions regarding graduation was when I had a chance to talk about the experience with someone I trusted.

Sharing how I was feeling amidst the transition helped me get clarity on how I wanted to show up in my next phase of life. It allowed me to enjoy the new phase, and let go of what I had lost.

It’s never too late to process some of those feelings so you can step fully into enjoying the next phase of your life. And if you’re interested in doing so in a completely confidential, judgment free space. I can help.

I regularly support people in processing swirls of emotions and complicated experiences. I’ve helped dozens of people process their own feelings regarding starting new jobs, ending or mending relationships, and changing their plans for their futures.

Would you like to sort through some of the thoughts and feelings from your own life milestones?

If yes, I’d like to invite you to set up a free consultation with me so you can express and process what's been on your mind, and gain confidence in how you'd like to handle it.

Much love,​

Morgan Rita Barbret

Certified Life Coach

P.S. I’ve opened up 3 FREE coaching slots for recent retirees to talk through their experience since retiring, and gain some clarity around how they want to make the most of their later years. There are two slots left! If you know anyone who is recently retired and would like to maximize their level of fulfillment in their retirement, forward them this email and invite them to set up a free consultation to learn more.

Details for retiree coaching: The coaching relationship would be 3 months, meeting once every other week (6 sessions, $900 Value, for free). And in exchange, all I'm looking for is an honest review of my services!

New Reel

The Tangled Ball of Yarn

There is a process for untangling and processing all the stuff that's happening in your head.

Here's a metaphor to help explain how


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Self Love Atlas LLC, 27844 Bohn St., Roseville, Michigan 48066

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