How to Fight Your Thoughts and Win

Self Love Atlas

March 2024

Hey Reader,

Do you ever feel like this?

You’re not alone!

Sometimes our self-critical thoughts are so strong that it’s really hard to put up a good fight.

Unfortunately, our brains can be skilled arguers, and convincing bullies at times.

What can we do about it?

If your brain ever says crap like, “Those people don’t actually like you.” or “What makes you think you could do that job?” or “You’ll never be as good as them.” etc.

Then I want you to know two things:

  1. It is normal to struggle against your brain’s bullying (i.e. your inner critic)
  2. And we are not doomed to struggle with the same thoughts forever.

In fact, these hurtful thoughts can be fought and DEFEATED.

While your inner critic won’t drop its weapons overnight, there are effective ways to guide your brain towards being kinder to you over time.

To do this, you have to understand how changing your thoughts works neurobiologically.

What’s actually happening in our brains

We know that fighting our thoughts and winning is possible because of something called neuroplasticity:

Neuroplasticity is our brain’s lifelong capacity to change and rewire itself in response to the stimulation of learning and experience.

Here’s how it works:

Every time you think a thought, intentionally or unintentionally, synapses fire in your brain. But each time a synapse fires, the connection strengthens, and eventually forms a neural pathway.

This makes it more likely that thought will happen again in the future.

New pathways form when we learn new things and gain new experiences.

To understand this a little better, imagine how wildlife paths form in a new forest.

As animals walk-through a forest, their little feet will press down the brush and grass.

If enough animals walk through the same area, some of the grass disappears, and a wildlife path forms.

Once that path exists, the animals will continue taking that path because it’s clearer, and as time passes, the path becomes more solid and recognizable over time.

The same goes for our brains: when we think a thought enough times, we form a little path, which makes it easier and more likely our thoughts will “go there” in the future.

Thanks to neuroplasticity, we can train our brains to think new thoughts.

While we can’t control or police what thoughts pass through our brains, we can challenge ourselves to repeat the thoughts that are most helpful.

This involves becoming aware of the thoughts that are already happening and challenging ourselves to find new ways of interpreting things.

For example: I could interpret a friend not replying to a text with the thought "They don't want to talk to me" or I could explore other potential interpretations, and pick the one that A) could also be true and B) benefits me better, such as "Ah, they must be busy right now, I'll reach out later & see if I can catch them at a better time."

By practicing and intentionally choosing new interpretations, we can break down old paths, and form new ones.

I think this is an incredible and mighty power. You can literally shape our own mental landscape in a way that supports your goals.

You can build a brain that fuels your confidence.

It’s not that some people have “nice brains” and some people have “mean brains,” it’s that everyone’s brains have had different patterns form through their socialization & other environmental influences.

Which means we can take back control.

As one of my favorite coaches, Maggie Reyes, says: “We all have to practice this stuff all the time.”

And if we choose to practice intentionally, we can build any path we want.

Then one day, we won't need to put the boxing gloves on.

If you want to start practicing shaping your thoughts, and finding ways to fight those thoughts and win, I'd love to help!

I can teach you methods and tools that will have your brain being nicer to you than you ever thought was possible in no time.

Want to try it out?

Schedule a consultation with me to see what’s possible.

Much love,​

Morgan Rita Barbret

Certified Life Coach

P.S. Have any questions concerns about what it would be like to work with me as your coach? Hit reply and let me know!

New Blog Post

How to Stop Saying Sorry So Much

And Become More Like-able at The Same Time

If you’re someone who tends to say sorry for minor misunderstandings, or things that are not your fault, and you want to stop saying sorry so much, this post is for you.

In this post I:

→ Offer an easy switch that will help break the habit of over-apologizing

→ Share why other people sometimes are bothered by apologies

→ Explain what's happening subconsciously when you feel a need to apologize (even when you didn't do anything wrong!)

→ Share how breaking this habit can also boost your charisma & confidence!

Want the short version?


Having a list of simple and easy self-care tasks always helps me remember to fill my cup and keep my energy up! Want to create your own list?

P.P.S. I'm launching a "How to Regulate Your Emotions" Class in April of 2024! In the class, you'll learn why emotional regulation matters, how it can change your life and relationships, and how to regulate your emotions using a number of both physical and mental techniques they never taught you in school. If you're interested, keep an eye on your email for when it becomes available! You can pre-enroll by replying to this e-mail, "I'm in!"

If you were forwarded this message, sign up to receive more like it every other week here. It’s free. I never spam.

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Self Love Atlas LLC, 27844 Bohn St., Roseville, Michigan 48066

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In this newsletter, you'll receive actionable steps to build up your confidence and self-esteem SUSTAINABLY, stop overthinking, and create a kinder inner monologue so you can enjoy your life and relationships as much as possible. Are you ready to teach your brain to work FOR you instead of against you. Then come on in!

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