How to Express Your Needs without Causing Conflict

Self Love Atlas

February 2024

Hey Reader,

You’re not asking for too much.

You’re not wrong for feeling bothered when…

  • they interrupted you in conversation
  • they didn’t listen when you were talking to them
  • they forgot it was your birthday or holiday that was important to you
  • they gave you the silent treatment
  • they used sarcasm in a hurtful way

You might have told yourself that these things are "small", or that you shouldn’t make a “big deal” about them.

But if it's been bothering you, it DOES MATTER.

Sure, we have to pick our battles sometimes, but if you could make it stop, would you want to?

Me too.

I sincerely believe you shouldn’t have to tolerate these things endlessly.

And you don't have to.

There are so many examples of these behaviors in my own relationships that used to build up frustration and sadness inside me…until I learned how to express my needs in a way that allowed the other person to hear me, reduced their defensiveness, and actually helped motivate the people I care about to want to help me feel more comfortable in our relationship together.

You can do it too!

If you want to learn exactly how to have a conversation that accomplishes this goal, check out this week’s blog post, “How to Express Your Needs without Causing Conflict.” (See the preview for the post is below)

New Blog Post

How to Express Your Needs Without Causing Conflict

in 3 Steps

If want to feel heard and understood, but sometimes find it difficult to find the words to express what you're looking for...

If you feel like you don’t know how to bring it up to them...

Or if you're worried that telling them what’s bothering you will lead to miscommunication and feeling even farther apart.

Then this week's blog post is for you.

In this post I cover:

→ Step-by-step instructions on how to express your needs in a productive way

→ How to reduce the chances the other person becomes defensive

→ How to communicate in ways that help the other person hear and understand you better.

→ How to reduce "blaming" and increase the feeling of "working together"

Want the short version?

What behaviors in other people have been bothering you for a long time? Let me know by replying to this email & we can brainstorm ways of addressing it without causing conflict together.

Much love,​

P.S. Have you ever felt afraid to feel your own emotions? Strong emotions can feel scary, but once you know how to regulate them, they won't feel scary anymore!

This is why I've decided to launch a class on "How to Regulate Your Emotions" in April of 2024! In this free class, you'll learn why emotional regulation matters, how it can transform your health and relationships, and how to regulate your emotions using a number of both physical and mental techniques we were never taught in school. You can pre-enroll by replying to this e-mail, "I'm in!"


Having a list of simple and easy self-care tasks always helps me remember to fill my cup and keep my energy up! Want to create your own list?

Have any questions about what it would be like to work with me as your coach? Hit reply and let me know!

If you were forwarded this message, sign up to receive more like it every other week here. It’s free. I never spam.

You may unsubscribe or adjust your preferences anytime!

Self Love Atlas LLC, 27844 Bohn St., Roseville, Michigan 48066

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