
The Self Love Atlas Newsletter

In this newsletter, you'll receive actionable steps to build up your confidence and self-esteem SUSTAINABLY, stop overthinking, and create a kinder inner monologue so you can enjoy your life and relationships as much as possible. Are you ready to teach your brain to work FOR you instead of against you. Then come on in!

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How to Spot Decision Fatigue

Self Love Atlas October 2024 Hey Reader, You know that feeling of mental fog that hits after a long day of juggling decisions and responsibilities? It’s not just in your head—decision fatigue is real, and it can make even the smallest choices feel overwhelming. Cornell University researchers estimate that the average adult makes about 35,000 remotely conscious decisions each day. And while the number certainly varies from person to person, I think we can all agree that that’s A LOT of...

Self Love Atlas September 2024 Pictured: Coach Morgan & her soon-to-be husband Bradley Hey Reader, Being dissatisfied or frustrated with your current situation does not make you ungrateful. I've seen a lot of people blame themselves for feeling dissatisfied, as if the dissatisfaction was a problem with THEM. But more often than not, a feeling of discomfort and dissatisfaction is actually your body warning you that something is misaligned in your life. In other words, feeling less than happy...

Self Love Atlas May 2024 Hey Reader, Have you ever had a friendship that felt one-sided? One that never really felt 50/50? Even when things were good? Friendships where you were meeting them, not halfway, but 80 or 90% of the way, all the time. Meanwhile, they were reluctant to give 10% back. When I had friends like this in my life, my confidence was low. I spent a long time pouring into them, trying to build the relationship and be a “good friend.” But the feedback I got constantly made me...

Self Love Atlas April 2024 Hey Reader, There are a few huge milestones in life that we celebrate in big ways. . Graduations, Weddings, Retirements. All of these events have one thing in common. They can be so bittersweet. Sweet, because they are undoubtedly special and exciting moments of our lives. Yet bitter, because they signify that our lives are going to change in big ways. And change is hard. Nobody really teaches us how to prepare for the emotions that come from the way our identity...

Self Love Atlas April 2024 Hey Reader, If you’ve ever felt frustrated with yourself for being “unproductive,” I have something to share with you. It’s a quote from one of my favorite humans, Hank Green (bestselling author, and one of the founders of the beloved “Crash Course” youtube channel). The quote was recently dropped in John and Hank Green’s new newsletter called “We’re Here,” which is basically a collection of cool things happening on planet earth. If you haven’t checked it out yet,...

Self Love Atlas March 2024 Hey Reader, When I’m coaching my color guard students, I invite them to take up space, to have strong posture, and be fully expressive with their body language. But when they’re learning, they tend to be afraid of doing something wrong. Their first instinct is to shrink themselves. To keep their arms in tightly, to bring their shoulders up to their ears and slouch. They try to hide from the danger of being seen. When I brought in a trainer to work with my team, he...

Self Love Atlas March 2024 Hey Reader, Do you ever feel like this? my favorite meme about struggling against your thoughts You’re not alone! Sometimes our self-critical thoughts are so strong that it’s really hard to put up a good fight. Unfortunately, our brains can be skilled arguers, and convincing bullies at times. What can we do about it? If your brain ever says crap like, “Those people don’t actually like you.” or “What makes you think you could do that job?” or “You’ll never be as good...

Self Love Atlas February 2024 Hey Reader, You’re not asking for too much. You’re not wrong for feeling bothered when… they interrupted you in conversation they didn’t listen when you were talking to them they forgot it was your birthday or holiday that was important to you they gave you the silent treatment they used sarcasm in a hurtful way You might have told yourself that these things are "small", or that you shouldn’t make a “big deal” about them. But if it's been bothering you, it DOES...

Hey Reader, When I first learned that “resentment” was a huge relationship killer, I made it my goal learn how to protect against resentment arising in my relationship with my partner. If you’re like me, you have people in your life that you care about deeply. And you want to do what you can to help each other feel safe and cared for. Luckily, the skills it takes to help each other feel cared for are the same ones that protect against resentment. Sometimes people feel resentment for their...

Hey Reader, I’ve just finished up my Christmas shopping this week, and gosh… Finding gifts for all your loved ones, and making decisions about how much to get and who for?... That can be hard. You want to get your people things they will genuinely like, that will bring them joy, and show them how much you appreciate and love them.And even though there are plenty of ways to bring joy and show love: There’s definitely pressure around the holidays to love your people a certain way. Through gift...